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332 News & Informationen zur Oracle Aktie

  • Compasso UOL Has The Largest Number of Oracle Commerce Implementations Globally

    Compasso UOL Has The Largest Number of Oracle Commerce Implementations Globally

    Southlake, TX (PRWEB) June 21, 2021 — The growth in virtual sales worldwide is an unstoppable trend, and global online sales now exceed $4 trillion,

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  • SAP-Konkurrent Oracle: Günstige Einstiegsgelegenheit?

    SAP-Konkurrent Oracle: Günstige Einstiegsgelegenheit?

    Der SAP-Konkurrent Oracle bleibt weiter auf dem Wachstumskurs, wie die neuesten Geschäftszahlen zeigen. Geht es auch für die Aktie weiter nach oben?…

  • Erwähnung
    Oracle Q1 2021 • galue

    […] Oracle(ORCL), ein Datenbank-Softwareunternehmen, gibt am Dienstag 15.06. nach Börsenschluss seineQuartalsergebnisse bekannt. Die Konsensschätzung für den Gewinn je Aktie beträgt 1,31 USD, ein Plus von 9 % bei einem Umsatz von 11,02 Milliarden USD, ein Plus von 6 %, was das beste Umsatzwachstum seit vier Jahren darstellt. Die Oracle-Aktie erreichte kürzlich ein Rekordhoch. Das Unternehmen macht weiterhin Fortschritte bei seinem wichtigen Übergang zu einem abonnementbasierten Softwaremodell, das die Vorteile des Cloud Computing nutzt. […]

  • QZ-Analyse Q1 2021

    Oracle(ORCL), ein Datenbank-Softwareunternehmen, gibt am Dienstag 15.06. nach Börsenschluss seineQuartalsergebnisse bekannt. Die Konsensschätzung für den Gewinn je Aktie beträgt 1,31 USD, ein Plus von 9 % bei einem Umsatz von 11,02 Milliarden USD, ein Plus von 6 %, was das beste Umsatzwachstum seit vier Jahren darstellt. Die Oracle-Aktie erreichte kürzlich ein Rekordhoch. Das Unternehmen macht weiterhin Fortschritte bei seinem wichtigen Übergang zu einem abonnementbasierten Softwaremodell, das die Vorteile des Cloud Computing nutzt.

    Nichtsdestotrotz, höhere Investitionen in Produktentwicklung und Plattform, um seine Wettbewerbsposition gegenüber dominierenden Cloud-Playern wie Amazon (AMZN) Amazon Web Services, Microsoft (MSFT) Azure und Alphabets (GOOGL) Google Cloud dürfte sich im Berichtsquartal auf die Rentabilität ausgewirkt haben.

    Oracle erlebt eine anhaltende Dynamik bei der Einführung seiner Cloud-basierten Lösungen, insbesondere NetSuite Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Fusion ERP und Fusion Human Capital Management (HCM). Dies dürfte das Umsatzwachstum im vierten Quartal des Geschäftsjahres unterstützt haben.

    Im dritten Quartal des Geschäftsjahres 2021 verzeichneten die Geschäftsbereiche Fusion HCM, NetSuite ERP und Fusion ERP von Oracle Umsatzsteigerungen von 21 %, 22 % bzw. 27 %.

    Im April 2021 gab Oracle bekannt, dass Unternehmenskunden über die IT Operations Management (ITOM) Visibility-Anwendung von ServiceNow und das Service-Portal von ServiceNow auf die Cloud-Infrastruktur-Services / -Ressourcen des Unternehmens zugreifen und diese verwalten können.

    Die für Cloud-Services und Lizenz-Support-Umsätze werden auf 7,332 Milliarden US-Dollar geschätzt, was einer Verbesserung von 7,1 % gegenüber dem Vorjahr entspricht.

    Die gute Akzeptanz von Exadata Cloud-Lösungen und Autonomous Database-Angeboten in Verbindung mit einer robusten Nachfrage nach der Oracle Dedicated Region Cloud @ Customer dürfte den Umsatz ankurbeln.

    Darüber hinaus wird erwartet, dass die erhöhte Verfügbarkeit von Oracle Cloud-Regionen weltweit die Wettbewerbsposition auf dem Cloud-Computing-Markt gestärkt hat. Im Mai 2021 startete das Unternehmen seine zweite Cloud-Region in Brasilien, die Vinhedo Cloud-Region und markiert damit die 30. Cloud-Region der Welt.

    Bemerkenswert ist, dass sich der Konsens für Cloud-Lizenzen und On-Premise-Lizenzen auf 2,082 Mrd. beläuft.

    Die Aktien von Oracle stiegen in den letzten drei Monaten um 23,44%. Schauen wir uns an, wie hoch die Schulden von Oracle sind.

    Laut dem jüngsten Finanzbericht von Oracle, der am 11. März 2021 veröffentlicht wurde, belaufen sich die Gesamtschulden auf 69,30 Milliarden US-Dollar, davon 63,54 Milliarden US-Dollar auf langfristige und 5,76 Milliarden US-Dollar auf kurzfristige Schulden. Bereinigt um 22,32 Milliarden US-Dollar in Barmitteln hat das Unternehmen eine Nettoverschuldung von 46,98 Milliarden US-Dollar.

    Aktionäre schauen sich die Schuldenquote an, um zu verstehen, wie viel finanzielle Hebelwirkung ein Unternehmen hat. Oracle hat eine Bilanzsumme von 118,11 Milliarden US-Dollar, was einer Schuldenquote von 0,59 entspricht. Generell bedeutet ein Verschuldungsgrad von mehr als eins, dass ein Großteil der Schulden durch Vermögen finanziert wird. Mit steigender Schuldenquote steigt auch das Risiko eines Kreditausfalls bei steigenden Zinsen. Oracle hat zur Zeit eine Marktkapitalisierung von 239 Milliarden USD.

    Oracle hat kürzlich seine Dividende von 0,24 US-Dollar auf 0,32 US-Dollar pro Aktie erhöht.

    Um die Betrachtung von Oracle zu Ende zu bringen, würde ich gerne den Analysten Cramer zitieren:

    „Dieses langweilige, altmodische Unternehmenssoftwareunternehmen hat seinen Aktienkurs seit Jahresbeginn um 28 % gesteigert, dank einer bemerkenswerten Beschleunigung in seinen Kerngeschäften“, sagte Cramer. “Ich wette, es meldet ein gutes Quartal.”

    Ich wünsche euch viel Erfolg 👍🍀 bei eurem Investment 

    Direkte Kennzahlen

    1 Woche 1 Monat 3 Monate 1 Jahr 3 Jahre 5 Jahre
    Performance +0,01 % +6,71 % +22,98 % +61,57 % +72,03 % +113,99 %
    Hoch 85,03 85,03 85,03 85,03 85,03 85,03
    Tief 81,71 76,53 65,86 50,91 39,71 37,62
    Volatilität (%) 25,0953 16,7136 20,4679 23,4162 29,8121 26,3121

    5 Tage 30 Tage 100 Tage 250 Tage
    Ø-Preis 83,65 79,80 71,73 63,61
    Ø-Volumen 978,71 Mio. 893,13 Mio. 910,95 Mio. 812,17 Mio.

    Kennzahlen relativ zum Vergleichsindex *

    1 Woche 1 Monat 3 Monate 1 Jahr 3 Jahre 5 Jahre
    rel. Performance -0,40 % +4,41 % +15,16 % +20,08 % +19,35 % +11,35 %
    Korrelation -0,7278 0,4114 0,4027 0,3983 0,7037 0,6733
    Beta -4,4862 0,5591 0,7093 0,5861 0,8987 0,9128
    mit Dank an

    * Vergleichsindex: S&P 500

    mit Dank an

  • Chainlink releases new whitepaper in a shift toward smart contract computations By Cointelegraph

    Chainlink releases new whitepaper in a shift toward smart contract computations By Cointelegraph

    Chainlink releases new whitepaper in a shift toward smart contract computations

  • Clear Harbor Asset Management, LLC Buys Apollo Investment Corp, Manitowoc Co Inc, 3M Co, Sells AMC Networks Inc, Arthur J. Gallagher,...

    Clear Harbor Asset Management, LLC Buys Apollo Investment Corp, Manitowoc Co Inc, 3M Co, Sells AMC Networks Inc, Arthur J. Gallagher, Groupon Inc

    Clear Harbor Asset Management, LLC Buys Apollo Investment Corp, Manitowoc Co Inc, 3M Co, Sells AMC Networks Inc, Arthur J. Gallagher, Groupon Inc, Stocks: MMM,BMY,PFE,ORCL,LDOS,MGI,AINV,MTW,MO,EIX,MEOH,VOD, release date:Apr 14, 2021

  • Nashville mayor: Oracle to bring 8500 jobs, $1.2B investment

    Nashville mayor: Oracle to bring 8500 jobs, $1.2B investment

    Officials in Tennessee say the Texas-based Oracle Corporation plans to bring 8,500 jobs and a $1.2 billion investment to Nashville

  • Coronavirus vaccine passports: everything you need to know

    Coronavirus vaccine passports: everything you need to know

    Vaccine passports for coronavirus could help ease lockdowns. However, lawmakers and civil rights groups have raised multiple equality and privacy concerns.

  • The Midas Brink List: Meet Venture Capital’s Up-And-Comers For 2021

    The Midas Brink List: Meet Venture Capital’s Up-And-Comers For 2021

    In conjunction with the annual Midas List, TrueBridge and Forbes are once again partnering to co-publish the Brink List of up-and-comers to watch in the venture capital industry.

  • Grassi Investment Management Buys Oracle Corp, Archer-Daniels Midland Co, Royal Caribbean Group, Sells Novartis AG, Western Digital Corp,...

    Grassi Investment Management Buys Oracle Corp, Archer-Daniels Midland Co, Royal Caribbean Group, Sells Novartis AG, Western Digital Corp, AT&T Inc

    Grassi Investment Management Buys Oracle Corp, Archer-Daniels Midland Co, Royal Caribbean Group, Sells Novartis AG, Western Digital Corp, AT&T Inc, Stocks: ORCL,RCL,WFC,X,INTC,LC,ADM,ABNB,MAC,XLF,IWM,LYV,NV, release date:Apr 12, 2021

  • Supply-Chain Software Provider Blue Yonder Weighs IPO

    Supply-Chain Software Provider Blue Yonder Weighs IPO

    The company is the latest technology provider to look at a public stock offering as pandemic-driven upheaval in supply chains draws more interest to tools that help companies manage the flow of goods.

  • Top Features, Pricing & User Ratings - Business Finance

    Top Features, Pricing & User Ratings – Business Finance

    Simphony POS Review Based on statistical findings, revenue generation by the food and beverage industry is expected to grow by about 3.5% annually (Source). Simphony…

  • The Top 3 Projects Set For Explosive Launches in April By DailyCoin

    The Top 3 Projects Set For Explosive Launches in April By DailyCoin

    The Top 3 Projects Set For Explosive Launches in April

  • How I Find Cryptos Poised to Soar in Value

    How I Find Cryptos Poised to Soar in Value

    InvestorPlace – Stock Market News, Stock Advice & Trading Tips I know cryptocurrencies are still mysterious to a lot of investors. Source: S…

  • Clinical Trail Management System (CTMS) Market 2021-2025: Industry COVID-19 Impact Analysis, Market Opportunities, & Forecast

    Clinical Trail Management System (CTMS) Market 2021-2025: Industry COVID-19 Impact Analysis, Market Opportunities, & Forecast

    NEW YORK, April 10, 2021 /PRNewswire/ –The clinical trail management system (CTMS) market is expected to grow by $ 601.90 mn, progressing at a CA…

  • 12: BTC, ETH, BNB, ADA, DOT, XRP, UNI, LTC, LINK, BCH By Cointelegraph

    12: BTC, ETH, BNB, ADA, DOT, XRP, UNI, LTC, LINK, BCH By Cointelegraph

    Price analysis 3/12: BTC, ETH, BNB, ADA, DOT, XRP, UNI, LTC, LINK, BCH

  • Plenty have tried to create a new Silicon Valley, but this new NBA owner and tech founder may be succeeding

    Plenty have tried to create a new Silicon Valley, but this new NBA owner and tech founder may be succeeding

    The winning ways of Qualtrics co-founder Ryan Smith underscores the rise of Silicon Slopes as one of the few regions in the U.S. to mold itself after Silicon…

  • What Could a VMware Spinoff Mean?

    What Could a VMware Spinoff Mean?

    What Could a VMware Spinoff Mean?, Stocks: VMW,DELL,INTC,AMZN,MSFT,GOOG,ORCL,NVMI, Michael Dell, release date:Jan 15, 2021

  • Global deaths from COVID-19 near 2 million as U.S. suffers most weekly fatalities since start of the pandemic

    Global deaths from COVID-19 near 2 million as U.S. suffers most weekly fatalities since start of the pandemic

    The global case tally for the coronavirus-borne illness COVID-19 climbed above 93 million on Friday and the death toll edged closer to 2 million, with the…

  • Europe EdTech and Smart Classroom Market Forecast to 2027 - COVID-19 Impact and Regional Analysis by Component, Deployment Type, and...

    Europe EdTech and Smart Classroom Market Forecast to 2027 – COVID-19 Impact and Regional Analysis by Component, Deployment Type, and End-User

    The EdTech and smart classroom market in Europe is expected to grow from US$ 20,571. 2 million in 2019 to US$ 61,250. 6 million by 2027; it is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 14. 6% from 2020 to 2027.New York, Jan. 15, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — announces the release of the report “Europe EdTech and Smart Classroom Market Forecast to 2027 – COVID-19 Impact and Regional Analysis by Component, Deployment Type, and End-User” – Digital transformation has been transforming industries by encouraging the adoption of digital technologies, and smart and connected hardware, thereby increasing overall operational productivity and revenues of companies.Education is one of the key sectors where digitalization is rapidly evolving with the adoption of smart devices such as interactive displays, tablets, notebooks, and smartphones in classrooms and students’ lives. In addition to this, the growing digital content creation for the education sector, online/e-learning courses, online exams, virtual classrooms, edutainment, and digital textbooks are further boosting the growth of Europe EdTech and smart classroom market.The UK and France are the key countries where the trend of digitalized education has been growing at an impressive pace. The growing investments in EdTech startups that are integrating advanced technologies such as AR, VR, and AI in education solutions are further boosting the overall trend of digitalization in the education sector.Also, owing to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the demand of e-learning and online classes has increased multifold with the shutdown of schools and colleges. The pandemic is anticipated to further push the adoption of various digital technologies in the education sector at a faster rate with more and more schools, universities, and educational institutes adopting distance learning and virtual classrooms for continued and uninterrupted education services to students. The acceptance of EdTech solutions is among other factors expected to positively influence the demand for EdTech and smart classroom market in Europe. In terms of end user, the upto k-12 segment led the Europe EdTech and smart classroom market in 2019.Online education is booming due to the associated convenience and cost-effectiveness. Schools are increasingly launching virtual programs to reach wider student base and boost enrollments, offer learning opportunities for e-learning enthusiasts, and lower costs of education services.This rapid expansion has prompted K-12 institutes to increase online classes and courses. The advent of advanced technologies in the education sector has also improved the quality of learning and teaching in various countries.It has also transformed the conventional education practices. Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the demand for EdTech and smart classroom solutions has increased rapidly due to the widespread acceptance for e-learning and online teaching in K12 institutes. Some schools have made tabs mandatory for pre-primary students. In April 2020, Blackboard introduced a remote learning solution named Blackboard Unite for K-12 institutes. It includes a learning management system, virtual classroom, mobile app, and accessibility tool to help the institutes with the best tools. The presence of developed countries such as Germany, the UK, France, Italy, Norway, and Sweden, with huge education spending and high investments in EdTech startups, makes Europe one of the key markets for EdTech and smart classroom product providers.Also, the noticeable adoption of advanced technologies in various industries makes this region an ideal market for EdTech and smart classrooms. At present, Russia, the UK, Spain, Italy, Germany, Turkey, and France are a few of the major European countries affected by the COVID-19 outbreak.Governments of these countries have imposed lockdowns/movement restrictions and closed down the educational institutions to contain the outbreak. Despite the negative impact of COVID 19 outbreak on economies of these countries, the demand for EdTech and smart classroom solutions has seen an upward trend owing to increasing demand for e-learning, virtual classrooms, and other digital technology solutions for uninterrupted delivery of education to students across Europe. The sudden adjustments in education systems and processes in the wake of ongoing pandemic is pushing stakeholders to invest in modern technologies and adapt to the evolving technology landscape in the education sector. The overall Europe EdTech and smart classroom market size has been derived using both primary and secondary sources.To begin the research process, exhaustive secondary research has been conducted using internal and external sources to obtain qualitative and quantitative information related to the market. The process also serves the purpose of obtaining overview and forecast for the Europe EdTech and smart classroom market with respect to all the segments pertaining to the region.Also, multiple primary interviews have been conducted with industry participants and commentators to validate the data, as well as to gain more analytical insights into the topic. The participants of this process include industry experts such as VPs, business development managers, market intelligence managers, and national sales managers, along with external consultants such as valuation experts, research analysts, and key opinion leaders, specializing in the Europe EdTech and smart classroom market. Apple Inc.; Blackboard Inc.; Cisco Systems, Inc.; D2L Corporation; IBM Corporation; Microsoft Corporation; Oracle Corporation; SAP SE; SMART Technologies are among a few players operating in the market in this region. Read the full report: About Reportlinker ReportLinker is an award-winning market research solution. Reportlinker finds and organizes the latest industry data so you get all the market research you need – instantly, in one place. __________________________ CONTACT: Clare: US: (339)-368-6001 Intl: +1 339-368-6001

  • Global Healthcare IT Integration Market (2020 to 2025) - Players Include Oracle, Nextgen Healthcare and Cerner Among Others

    Global Healthcare IT Integration Market (2020 to 2025) – Players Include Oracle, Nextgen Healthcare and Cerner Among Others

    Dublin, Jan. 15, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The “Global Healthcare IT Integration Market Analysis 2020” report has been added to …

  • Microsoft, Salesforce, Oracle Join Hands To Develop COVID-19 Vaccine Passports

    Microsoft, Salesforce, Oracle Join Hands To Develop COVID-19 Vaccine Passports

    A coalition made up of health and technology companies which include both Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ: MSFT), Inc (NYSE: CRM), …

  • Business Intelligence and Analytics Market Size to Reach Value of USD 60.49 Billion by 2027 Growing at a CAGR of 11.2% | Emergen Research

    Business Intelligence and Analytics Market Size to Reach Value of USD 60.49 Billion by 2027 Growing at a CAGR of 11.2% | Emergen Research

    Vancouver, British Columbia, Jan. 14, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The global business intelligence and analytics market is expected to reach a value of USD …

  • Tech Companies Join Effort Focused on Covid-19 Vaccine Records

    Tech Companies Join Effort Focused on Covid-19 Vaccine Records

    Businesses including Microsoft and Oracle are behind the Vaccination Credential Initiative to ensure consumers can demonstrate their vaccination status.

  • Global Green Technology and Sustainability Market to Garner $48.36 Billion By 2027: AMR

    Global Green Technology and Sustainability Market to Garner $48.36 Billion By 2027: AMR

    Portland, OR, Jan. 14, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — As per the report published by Allied Market Research, the global green technology and sustainability market …

  • Oracle's (ORCL) Oracle Database 21c Available on its Cloud

    Oracle's (ORCL) Oracle Database 21c Available on its Cloud

    Oracle (ORCL) announced availability of Oracle Database 21c on its cloud platform as well as Oracle Apex (Application Express) Application Development as a managed cloud service.

  • Global $4 Billion GIS Software in Agriculture Market to 2027: Drivers, Constraints, Opportunities, Threats, Challenges, Investment...

    Global $4 Billion GIS Software in Agriculture Market to 2027: Drivers, Constraints, Opportunities, Threats, Challenges, Investment Opportunities, and Recommendations

    Dublin, Jan. 14, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The “GIS Software in Agriculture – Global Market Outlook (2019-2027)” report has been added to …

  • Compass IPO: Real Estate Startup Confidentially Files

    Compass IPO: Real Estate Startup Confidentially Files

    A Compass IPO was confidentially filed. Although it's one of the top three real estate brokerages, investors aren't sure about Compass stock. Here's why.

  • Business Intelligence Market to Reach USD 39.35 billion by 2027; Increasing Acceptance of Big Data Analytics to Intensify Market, states...

    Business Intelligence Market to Reach USD 39.35 billion by 2027; Increasing Acceptance of Big Data Analytics to Intensify Market, states Fortune Business Insights™

    Pune, Jan. 14, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The global business intelligence market size is expected to reach USD 39.35 billion by 2027, exhibiting a CAGR of …

  • 22% CAGR for Global Data Virtualization Market Size to Surpass USD 8,500 Million by 2026: Facts & Factors

    22% CAGR for Global Data Virtualization Market Size to Surpass USD 8,500 Million by 2026: Facts & Factors

    New York, NY, Jan. 14, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Facts and Factors have published a new research report titled “Data Virtualization Market By Component …

  • ‘The biggest data puzzle of our lifetime’ — Vaccine distribution effort gets help from Big Tech

    ‘The biggest data puzzle of our lifetime’ — Vaccine distribution effort gets help from Big Tech

    The industry sees a chance to burnish its credentials while fulfilling an urgent societal need. But the ambitious deployment comes fraught with risks, as…

  • Why Was Parler Shut Down? Here’s Why the Social Network Is Offline

    Why Was Parler Shut Down? Here’s Why the Social Network Is Offline

    The social-media service popular among Trump backers was taken offline after several vendors it relied on to operate ceased providing support, saying the service violated their content-moderation rules.

  • Infrastructure as a Service Market Is Expected to Reach $201.83 Billion by 2027, Says AMR

    Infrastructure as a Service Market Is Expected to Reach $201.83 Billion by 2027, Says AMR

    Portland, OR, Jan. 13, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — According to the report published by Allied Market Research, the global Infrastructure as a Service Market …

  • Parler Faces Complex, Costly Route to Getting Back Online

    Parler Faces Complex, Costly Route to Getting Back Online

    After several tech giants dropped the social app popular among right-wing users, Parler faces technical and financial hurdles to resuming operations.

  • Parler Faces Obstacles to Getting Back Online

    Parler Faces Obstacles to Getting Back Online

    After several tech giants dropped the social app popular among right-wing users, Parler faces a technically complex and costly path to resuming operations.

  • San Francisco Office Vacancy Rate Eclipses Financial-Crisis High

    San Francisco Office Vacancy Rate Eclipses Financial-Crisis High

    Cushman & Wakefield reports that San Francisco’s office vacancy rate reached 16.7 percent at the end of 2020

  • Global $4.99 Billion Workforce Management Software Markets, 2019-2020 & Forecast to 2028

    Global $4.99 Billion Workforce Management Software Markets, 2019-2020 & Forecast to 2028

    Dublin, Jan. 12, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The “Workforce Management Software Market Size, Market Share, Application Analysis, Regional Outlook, Growth …

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Portrait der Oracle Aktie

Das Unternehmen Oracle Corporation aus USA ist in den Bereichen Software & Programmierung, Spezialsoftware, IT-Dienstleistungen tätig.

ORACLE FINANCIAL SERVICES SOFTWARE ist ein Tochterunternehmen von Oracle.

Das Unternehmen Oracle Corporation ist in mehr als 87 ETFs enthalten und somit ein eher allgemein bekannter Wert. Der Spitzenreiter First Trust Cloud Computing ETF gewichtet Oracle mit 4,73% im ETF.

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Entdecke die 6 ETFs in denen Oracle Corporation am höchsten gewichtet ist Insgesamt in 87 ETFs enthalten

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