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15 News & Informationen zur PUNJAB & SIND BANK Aktie

  • FinMin considers BIC model as RBI flags zero-coupon bonds for bank recapitalisation

    FinMin considers BIC model as RBI flags zero-coupon bonds for bank recapitalisation

    Setting up a BIC as a holding company or a core investment company was suggested by the P J Nayak Committee in its report on 'Governance of Boards of Banks in India'

  • Finmin looks at BIC model after RBI raises concern over zero coupon bonds for PSBs recap

    Finmin looks at BIC model after RBI raises concern over zero coupon bonds for PSBs recap

    P J Nayak Committee report recommended transferring shares of the government in the banks to the BIC

  • Finmin looks at BIC model after RBI raises concern over zero coupon bonds for PSBs recap

    Finmin looks at BIC model after RBI raises concern over zero coupon bonds for PSBs recap

    The report recommended transferring shares of the government in the banks to the BIC which would become the parent holding company of all these banks, as a result of this, all the PSBs would become 'limited' banks. BIC will be autonomous and it will have the power to appoint the board of directors and make other policy decisions about subsidiaries.

  • Home Loans: Check The Top 15 Banks With The Cheapest Interest Rates

    Home Loans: Check The Top 15 Banks With The Cheapest Interest Rates

    As a consequence of the Covid-19 outbreak, the Indian economy is still reeling from the disruptions, as an outcome of which the Reserve Bank of India has held the repo rate at a historic low of 4 percent to raise credit and support an economic recovery.

  • Top 10 Public Sector Banks That Offer Higher Interest Rates On Savings Accounts

    Top 10 Public Sector Banks That Offer Higher Interest Rates On Savings Accounts

    In particular, savings bank accounts bear lower interest rates than those on FDs of banks or NBFCs. Compared to many private and small finance banks there are some Public sector banks that provide savings accounts at significantly cheaper interest rates.

  • List Of Banks Providing The Cheapest Interest Rates On Home Loans

    List Of Banks Providing The Cheapest Interest Rates On Home Loans

    Searching for a low-interest loan while going to purchase a house, we all know that the lowest rates are offered by a certain segment. The list of lenders providing the cheapest home loans is driven by state-owned banks but when it comes to private sector banks Kotak Mahindra Bank holds the first position in our list.

  • UK court denies release of substantial funds for Vijay Mallya's legal fees

    UK court denies release of substantial funds for Vijay Mallya's legal fees

    International Business News: A UK court hearing an urgent application on Monday refused to sanction the release of substantial sums held with the Court Funds Office (CFO) as part

  • RBI raises red flags over zero-coupon bonds for PSB recapitalisation

    RBI raises red flags over zero-coupon bonds for PSB recapitalisation

    To save interest burden and ease fiscal pressure, government has decided to issue zero-coupon bonds for bank recapitalisation; RBI has raised concerns over calculation of an effective capital infusion made in any bank through this instrument issued at par

  • RBI raises concerns over zero-coupon bond for PSB recapitalisation

    RBI raises concerns over zero-coupon bond for PSB recapitalisation

    The government resorted to recapitalisation bonds with a coupon rate for capital infusion into PSBs during 2017-18 and interest payment to banks for holding such bonds started from the next financial year.

  • RBI raises concern over zero-coupon bond for PSU bank recapitalisation

    RBI raises concern over zero-coupon bond for PSU bank recapitalisation

    The government resorted to recapitalisation bonds with a coupon rate for capital infusion into state-run banks during 2017-18 and interest payment to banks for holding such bonds started from the next financial year.

  • RBI raises concerns over zero-coupon bond for PSB recapitalisation

    RBI raises concerns over zero-coupon bond for PSB recapitalisation

    Read more about RBI raises concerns over zero-coupon bond for PSB recapitalisation on Business Standard. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has expressed some concerns over zero-coupon bonds for the recapitalisation of public sector banks (PSBs) and discussion is on between the central bank and Finance Ministry to find a solution, according to

  • CAG seeks performance audit details of PSU banks recapitalisation from finance ministry

    CAG seeks performance audit details of PSU banks recapitalisation from finance ministry

    The audit may be going to analyse the impact of capital infusion in PSBs and how it has been able to improve the financial parameters such as Return on Assets (ROA), Return on Equity (ROE) and rate of growth of advances, sources said

  • CAG writes to finance ministry, seeks performance audit details of PSU banks recapitalisation

    CAG writes to finance ministry, seeks performance audit details of PSU banks recapitalisation

    India Business News: NEW DELHI: The Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG) has written to the finance ministry seeking details about the ongoing performance audit .

  • CAG writes to Finmin, seeks performance audit details of PSU banks recapitalisation

    CAG writes to Finmin, seeks performance audit details of PSU banks recapitalisation

    CAG is doing performance audit on recapitalisation of PSBs after 2016-17 and it has written a letter to the Department of Financial Services, Ministry of Finance, seeking various information, including rationale for distribution of capital among different PSBs, sources said.

  • CAG writes to Finmin, seeks performance audits of PSU bank recapitalisation

    CAG writes to Finmin, seeks performance audits of PSU bank recapitalisation

    Read more about CAG writes to Finmin, seeks performance audits of PSU bank recapitalisation on Business Standard. The Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG) has written to the finance ministry seeking details about the ongoing performance audit of government’s massive recapitalisation excercise of public sector banks (PSBs).CAG is doing performance

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