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MAPLETREE NORTH ASIA COMMERCIAL TR läuft ähnlich wie der DAX (-0.18 %) vom 26.06.2020 bis 07.09.2021

4 News & Informationen zur MAPLETREE NORTH ASIA COMMERCIAL TR Aktie

  • Mapletree North Asia Commercial Trust : 1Q FY21/22 Business Update - Press Release

    Mapletree North Asia Commercial Trust : 1Q FY21/22 Business Update – Press Release

    For Immediate Release:

    MNACT's NPI for 1Q FY21/22 was 14.3% higher compared to 1Q FY20/21

    Lower… | July 26, 2021

  • Mapletree North Asia Commercial Trust’s 8th AGM for FY2020

    Mapletree North Asia Commercial Trust’s 8th AGM for FY2020

    This afternoon (15 July 2021), Mapletree North Asia Commercial Trust (SGX:RW0U) held its 8th AGM for the financial year 2020/21 ended 31 March 2021, which I have attended as a unitholder to receive the latest updates from the REIT's management. In today's post, you will read about a summary (which I have compiled) on the presentation delivered by the REIT's CEO and CFO, responses to questions raised by fellow AGM attendees during the meeting, results of the 3 resolutions put to vote during the meeting, along with my personal thoughts about the REIT's outlook ahead to share…

  • General Announcement::Date of Release of Business Update for the First Quarter of Financial Year 2021/2022

    General Announcement::Date of Release of Business Update for the First Quarter of Financial Year 2021/2022




    DATE OF… | July 12, 2021

  • A Summary of Mapletree North Asia Commercial Trust’s FY2020

    A Summary of Mapletree North Asia Commercial Trust’s FY2020

    This morning (23 June 2021), retail and office REIT Mapletree North Asia Commercial Trust (SGX:RW0U) published its latest annual report for the financial year ended 31 March 2021 (i.e. FY2020/21.) In this post, you will find notes I have compiled (and sharing for the benefit of those who do not have the time to go through the entire report), details of its upcoming AGM (along with questions for the REIT's management), along with my personal thoughts about the REIT to share…

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Galue bleibt auch in Zukunft kostenfrei und ungesponsort. Wenn du meine Arbeit unterstützen möchtest, dann eröffne gerne ein kostenloses und unverbindliches Depot bei der ING Diba. Ich erhalte 20 wenn du daraufhin dann zum Beispiel einen Aktien-Sparplan anlegst oder etwas kaufst:

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