
Lithium Power International Limited

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  • Lithium Power International Limited
    Börse Amerikanscher Freiverkehr OTC oder "Pink Sheets"
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Lithium Power International Limited outperformed den DAX um +71 % vom 08.01.2021 bis 10.01.2022

11 News & Informationen zur Lithium Power International Limited Aktie

  • Bearing Lithium : Maricunga Project Update

    Bearing Lithium : Maricunga Project Update

    Maricunga Project Update


    Vancouver, British Columbia – Bearing Lithium Corp. the Company is please to provide a Maricunga project update.
    … | August 26, 2021

  • Maricunga Project Update

    Maricunga Project Update

    VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Aug. 24, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Bearing Lithium Corp. (“Bearing” or the “Company”) (TSX Venture:BRZ) (OTCQB:BLILF) the Company…

  • High Voltage: ‘It’s easy being green’ as battle to secure battery-grade nickel intensifies

    High Voltage: ‘It’s easy being green’ as battle to secure battery-grade nickel intensifies

    Roskill forecasts the demand for nickel to grow by over 500% between 2021 and 2030 — and the race for “green” battery-grade nickel units is intensifying.

  • Closing Bell: After last week’s losing run, the ASX has returned to growth

    Closing Bell: After last week’s losing run, the ASX has returned to growth

    Closing Bell: After last week’s losing run, the ASX has returned to growth

  • Lithium Power International (ASX:LPI) eyes $12.4m for project development

    Lithium Power International (ASX:LPI) eyes $12.4m for project development

    Lithium Power International (ASX:LPI) has received commitments to undertake a $12.4 million placement.

  • Closing Bell: ASX down 2.2pc for the week

  • Lithium Power (ASX:LPI) in trading halt to plan capital raise

    Lithium Power (ASX:LPI) in trading halt to plan capital raise

    Lithium Power International (ASX:LPI) has ended the week in a trading halt as it plans for an upcoming capital raise.

  • Who made the gains? Here are July’s top 50 small cap miners and explorers

    Who made the gains? Here are July’s top 50 small cap miners and explorers

    Who made the gains? Here are July’s top 50 small cap miners and explorers

  • Activity Report For The Quarter Ended June 2021

    Activity Report For The Quarter Ended June 2021

    SYDNEY, Australia, July 30, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Lithium Power International Limited (ASX: LPI) (“LPI” or “the Company”) is pleased to submit its quarterly

  • Trading Places: Which fund manager just became a substantial shareholder of Nuix?

    Trading Places: Which fund manager just became a substantial shareholder of Nuix?

    Nuix (ASX:NXL) has a new substantial shareholder in fund maanger ECP Asset Management which now holds over 5% of the company.

  • Maricunga Lithium Resource Expansion and Finance Activities Update

    Maricunga Lithium Resource Expansion and Finance Activities Update

    HIGHLIGHTS The latest drilling program on the Stage One mining concessions has been completed, with five exploration core holes (S-25, S-26, S-27, S-28…

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