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  • Huntington Ingalls Industries
    Börse NYSE New York Stock Exchange
    ISIN US4464131063 WKN: A1JE8X
    Symbol HII
  • Huntington Ingalls Industries
    Börse Börse Frankfurt
    ISIN US446413AL01
    Symbol HI4
  • Huntington Ingalls Industries
    Börse Börse Stuttgart
    ISIN US446413AT37
    Symbol HI4
  • Huntington Ingalls Industries
    Börse Börse München
    ISIN US446413AS53
    Symbol HI4
    Börse Tradegate System der Deutsche Börse AG (60%)
    Symbol HI4
    Börse Quotrix System der Börse Düsseldorf
    Symbol HI4
    Börse Gettex System der Börse München
    Symbol HI4
    Börse Börse Berlin
    Symbol HI4
  • EUR
  • BRL
  • Symbol HI4
Marktkapitalisierung 7.201.999.072 (+- 1%)

Die einen sagen so, die anderen so... Es gibt 2 Datenquellen:

7.100.998.144 oder 7.303.000.000

Mitarbeiter 42.500 (+- 1%)

Die einen sagen so, die anderen so... Es gibt 2 Datenquellen:

42.000 oder 43.000 Mitarbeiter

KGV 12.08
PEGRatio 1.2259
Buchwert 46.42

Huntington Ingalls Industries underperformed den DAX um -41 % vom 20.04.2020 bis 15.10.2021

46 News & Informationen zur Huntington Ingalls Industries Aktie

  • Photo Release - Huntington Ingalls Industries Names Stewart Holmes As Executive Vice President, Government And Customer Relations

    Photo Release – Huntington Ingalls Industries Names Stewart Holmes As Executive Vice President, Government And Customer Relations

    NEWPORT NEWS, Va., Sept. 03, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Huntington Ingalls Industries HII announced today that Stewart Holmes has been named executive vice

  • Photo Release — Huntington Ingalls Industries Announces New Chief Information Officer For Its Technical Solutions Division

    Photo Release — Huntington Ingalls Industries Announces New Chief Information Officer For Its Technical Solutions Division

    NEWPORT NEWS, Va., Aug. 30, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Huntington Ingalls Industries (NYSE:HII) announced today that Chris Soong has been named as chief…

  • Huntington Ingalls Industries : Photo Release — Ingalls Shipbuilding Successfully Completes Builder's Trials for Frank E. Petersen Jr....

    Huntington Ingalls Industries : Photo Release — Ingalls Shipbuilding Successfully Completes Builder's Trials for Frank E. Petersen Jr. (DDG 121)

    HII's Ingalls Shipbuilding division successfully completes builder's trials for guided missile destroyer Frank E. Petersen Jr. .

    PASCAGOULA, Miss., — Huntington Ingalls… | August 27, 2021

  • Huntington Ingalls Industries : HII Technical Solutions Facts

    Huntington Ingalls Industries : HII Technical Solutions Facts

    Comprising nearly 4,500 professionals in 45 states and 16 countries, Huntington Ingalls Industries' Technical Solutions division is a professional services business providing mission-critical… | August 27, 2021

  • Photo Release — Ingalls Shipbuilding Successfully Completes

    Photo Release — Ingalls Shipbuilding Successfully Completes

    PASCAGOULA, Miss., Aug. 27, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Huntington Ingalls Industries’ (NYSE: HII) Ingalls Shipbuilding division announced today the…

  • Photo Release — Ingalls Shipbuilding Successfully Completes Builder's Trials For Frank E. Petersen Jr. (DDG 121)

    Photo Release — Ingalls Shipbuilding Successfully Completes Builder's Trials For Frank E. Petersen Jr. (DDG 121)

    PASCAGOULA, Miss., Aug. 27, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Huntington Ingalls Industries' HII Ingalls Shipbuilding division announced today the successful completion

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