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Mitarbeiter 2.228

Zahlte zuletzt am 19.07.2021 eine Dividende von 2,4  . Seit damals wurde keine Dividende mehr ausgeschüttet Übersicht

DOLLAR INDUSTRIES outperformed den DAX um +460 % (+10 % Dividenden) vom 21.04.2017 bis 18.06.2021

Die letzten Quartalsergebnisse Erwarteter Gewinn je Aktie beim aktuellen Wert von

10 News & Informationen zur DOLLAR INDUSTRIES Aktie

  • Council Post: Moving Real Estate Agents From Gatekeeper To Facilitator

    Council Post: Moving Real Estate Agents From Gatekeeper To Facilitator

    The real estate industry may look different if consumers held more control.

  • Establish A Small Position In Tesla: Here is Why

    Establish A Small Position In Tesla: Here is Why

    Whitney Tilson's email to investors discussing his analyst Kevin DeCamp's views on Tesla's future. In my December 29 e-mail, I shared

  • Sustainability is the new digital revolution

    Sustainability is the new digital revolution

    Companies must adapt quickly to sustainability in the age of disruption by learning lessons from the digital revolution in order to prosper in the future.

  • ZK International Subsidiary, xSigma Corporation, Releases the Whitepaper for its DeFi Protocol

    ZK International Subsidiary, xSigma Corporation, Releases the Whitepaper for its DeFi Protocol

    /PRNewswire/ — ZK International Group Co., Ltd. (Nasdaq: ZKIN) (“ZKIN”, “ZK International” or the “Company”), a designer, engineer, manufacturer, and supplier…

  • EV Stock News: NIO (NYSE:$NIO) Partners with NVIDIA (NASDAQ: $NVDA) to Develop a New Generation of Automated Driving Electric Vehicles

    EV Stock News: NIO (NYSE:$NIO) Partners with NVIDIA (NASDAQ: $NVDA) to Develop a New Generation of Automated Driving Electric Vehicles

  • NIO Partners with NVIDIA to Develop a New Generationof Automated Driving Electric Vehicles

    NIO Partners with NVIDIA to Develop a New Generationof Automated Driving Electric Vehicles

    SHANGHAI and SANTA CLARA, Calif., Jan. 09, 2021 — NIO, a pioneer in China’s premium smart electric vehicle market, and NVIDIA announced today that the automaker has selected the… | January 9, 2021

  • NIO Partners with NVIDIA to Develop a New Generation of Automated Driving Electric Vehicles

    NIO Partners with NVIDIA to Develop a New Generation of Automated Driving Electric Vehicles

    SHANGHAI and SANTA CLARA, Calif., Jan. 09, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — NIO, a pioneer in China's premium smart electric vehicle market, and NVIDIA announced …

  • 23 MidCap Stock Ideas For Short-Term Gains In 2021

    23 MidCap Stock Ideas For Short-Term Gains In 2021

    The mid-cap stocks have finally resolved out of the bear phase after three years. BSEs Midcap index hit a new all-time high for the third consecutive session on Friday, climbing to 19,161.20. Analysts believe that the index has logged a resolute breakout from the three years falling trend line, indicating resumption o

  • Ahead of Market: 12 things that will decide stock action on Thursday

    Ahead of Market: 12 things that will decide stock action on Thursday

    According to Rohit Singre, Senior Technical Analyst at LKP Securities, “Going ahead, 14,040 will be good support. Any break below said levels can show some more cuts in the index and on the higher side, 14,180-14,230 zone will be strong resistance.”

  • CT Treasurer Shawn Wooden: The Business Journal Interview

    CT Treasurer Shawn Wooden: The Business Journal Interview

    In a free-flowing conversation with Business Journal Bureau Chief Kevin Zimmerman, Wooden offered ample proof of how Connecticut has continued to do well – at least relative to other states; the how’s and why’s behind his personal push for more diversity in business; and, perhaps most crucially, what he sees in 2021.

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