
Dewan Housing Finance Corporation Ltd.

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  • Dewan Housing Finance Corporation Ltd.
    Börse NSI
  • INR
Mitarbeiter 2.179

Zahlte zuletzt am 20.06.2018 eine Dividende von 2,5  . Seit damals wurde keine Dividende mehr ausgeschüttet Übersicht

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11 News & Informationen zur Dewan Housing Finance Corporation Ltd. Aktie

  • We will raise more money as and when the opportunity seems right in the market, says CEO, Piramal Retail Finance

    We will raise more money as and when the opportunity seems right in the market, says CEO, Piramal Retail Finance

    ‘Having ₹18,500 crore of equity capital is a lot for a company with a total lending book of about ₹45,000 crore’

  • FD holders vote against DHFL resolution plan proposals

    FD holders vote against DHFL resolution plan proposals

    Continuing their demand for full repayment of their investments, fixed deposit holders of Dewan Housing Finance Corporation Ltd (DHFL) voted against all the proposals as part of the resolution process

  • Piramal wins race to acquire DHFL

  • DHFL case: Care says it has not issued ratings

    DHFL case: Care says it has not issued ratings

    Care Ratings, on Wednesday, said its subsidiary, CARE Advisory Research and Training Limited (CART), had undertaken an advisory proposal for Oaktree Capital.“..the question of CART issuing any kind of

  • DHFL resolution: FD holders may vote against distribution mechanism

    DHFL resolution: FD holders may vote against distribution mechanism

    Concerned about the low recovery prospects, a large section of fixed deposit holders, especially those in the retail category, are likely to vote against the distribution mechanism in the resolution p

  • SEBI begins probe into credit rating for Oaktree’s DHFL resolution plan

    SEBI begins probe into credit rating for Oaktree’s DHFL resolution plan

    Seeks details on the basis of which claims were made by American fund

  • 63 moons reaches out to NCD, FD holders of DHFL in fight to get ₹30,000 crore

    63 moons reaches out to NCD, FD holders of DHFL in fight to get ₹30,000 crore

    63 moons technologies has invited non-convertible debentures holders and fixed deposit holders of Dewan Housing Finance Corporation Ltd (DHFL) to join with them in the National Company Law Tribunal (N

  • ‘Provisions of the resolution plan submitted by Oaktree not in compliance with law’

    ‘Provisions of the resolution plan submitted by Oaktree not in compliance with law’

    Continuing the war of letters over Dewan Housing Finance Corporation Ltd, Ajay Piramal, Chairman, Piramal Enterprises Ltd, has written to the Reserve Bank of India Governor Shaktikanta Das, contending

  • Kapil Wadhawan reiterates offer of 100% principal repayment

    Kapil Wadhawan reiterates offer of 100% principal repayment

    With the clock ticking on the resolution of debt-ridden Dewan Housing Finance Corporation Ltd (DHFL), Kapil Wadhawan, former promoter, reiterated his offer of 100 per cent principal repayment (or ₹91,

  • DHFL bids: Oaktree mulls legal action ‘seeing’ creditors’ ‘bias’ towards Piramal’s offer

    DHFL bids: Oaktree mulls legal action ‘seeing’ creditors’ ‘bias’ towards Piramal’s offer

    Oaktree Capital is weighing legal action against the lenders of Dewan Housing Finance Corporation Ltd (DHFL) over the resolution process amid initial indications that Piramal’s bid is finding favour w

  • DHFL resolution process in the last lap

    DHFL resolution process in the last lap

    The resolution of debt ridden Dewan Housing Finance Corporation Ltd (DHFL) now seems to be in its final stages with lenders having initiated the voting process. Oaktree Capital, Piramal Capital and Ho

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