
AmTrust Financial Services, Inc.

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  • AmTrust Financial Services, Inc.
    Börse Freiverkehr OTC
Mitarbeiter 9.300

AmTrust Financial Services, Inc. underperformed den DAX um -82 % vom 11.09.2014 bis 22.10.2021

16 News & Informationen zur AmTrust Financial Services, Inc. Aktie

  • 3 Ways Using Surety Bonds in Workers' Comp Will Free Up Your Lines of Credit

  • When It’s Over 90 Degrees, Should Workers Really Be Outside? A California Study Examines the Connection Between Heat and Worker Injury

    When It’s Over 90 Degrees, Should Workers Really Be Outside? A California Study Examines the Connection Between Heat and Worker Injury

  • Legal Roundup: Amazon to Pay for Defective Goods, N.J. Mask Rant Suit Reaches Courts and More

  • Opinion | The Teddy Awards Are Back and These Companies Are Showing Just How Strong Workers' Comp Can Be

  • Are You Adequately Prepared to Face a Product Recall? What Risk Managers Need to Know Before a Crisis

  • Look for These 3 Traits in an Insurer to Tackle Complex Liability Risks

  • Perspective | An Actuary: Not Our Maker, But Pretty Darn Close

  • Maiden grows Q2 income to $26.8mn

    Maiden grows Q2 income to $26.8mn

    Bermuda-based Maiden Holdings has reported net income of $26.8 million for the second quarter of 2021, up from $9.2 million for the same period last year.

  • As Leisure Travel Returns, There’s a New Focus on Travel Insurance and the Vital Protections It Can Provide

  • COVID-19 Disrupted Modified Duty Options, but a Strong Return-to-Work Program Keeps Injured Workers Engaged

  • Cultural Humility: The Next Step in Delivering Quality Care to Culturally Diverse Communities

  • Should Employers Mandate the COVID Vaccine? A Deeper Look on the Litigation, Arguments and Responses from Across the U.S.

    Should Employers Mandate the COVID Vaccine? A Deeper Look on the Litigation, Arguments and Responses from Across the U.S.

  • Legal Roundup: Brain Damage in Kids from Pesticides, Tesla's SolarCity Scrutiny and More

  • Credit Suisse brain drain hits investment bank

    Credit Suisse brain drain hits investment bank

    WHEN a US insurer indicated it was looking to sell its European business earlier this year, Credit Suisse Group AG executives thought they were in pole position to advise on the $1 billion-plus deal. Then a cadre of the Swiss bank’s top insurance dealmakers walked out the door. AmTrust Financial…

  • Credit Suisse Brain Drain Hits Investment Bank in Top Deals Year

    Credit Suisse Brain Drain Hits Investment Bank in Top Deals Year

    (Bloomberg) — When a U.S. insurer indicated it was looking to sell its European business earlier this year, Credit Suisse Group AG executives thought they were…

  • AmTrust, BTIS, CNA and Pie Insurance Successfully Integrate with Talage's Wheelhouse

    AmTrust, BTIS, CNA and Pie Insurance Successfully Integrate with Talage's Wheelhouse

    RENO, Nev., June 29, 2021 — Talage, a provider of digital distribution software solutions for commercial insurance, is pleased to announce successful integrations with four prominent U.S….

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