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Toronto Stock Exchange Kanada
Börse Toronto Stock Exchange Kanada
ISIN CA6568111067
  • North American Construction Group Ltd
    Börse Toronto Stock Exchange Kanada
    ISIN CA6568111067 WKN: A2JH58
    Symbol NOA
  • North American Construction Group Ltd
    Börse Börse Frankfurt
  • North American Construction Group Ltd.
    Börse NYSE New York Stock Exchange
    Symbol NOA
ISIN CA6568111067
Symbol NOA
Währung CAD
Börse Toronto Stock Exchange Kanada Zeitzone: America/New_York
Marktkapitalisierung 350.211.648
Mitarbeiter 206
KGV 10.35
EBITDA 159.288.000
PEGRatio 4.82
Buchwert 8.518

Zahlte zuletzt am 27.05.2021 eine Dividende von 0,04 CAD . Seit damals wurde keine Dividende mehr ausgeschüttet Übersicht

Die Dividendenrendite entsprach 3,02 % p. a. beim aktuellen Kurs von 13,59 USD -1,66% 

North American Construction Group Ltd. underperformed den DAX um -53 % (+6 % Dividenden) vom 04.10.2013 bis 12.10.2017

Die letzten Quartalsergebnisse Erwarteter Gewinn je Aktie beim aktuellen Wert von 13,59 USD -1,66% 

5 News & Informationen zur North American Construction Group Ltd. Aktie

  • North American Construction Group Ltd. (NOA) CEO Joe Lamberton on Q2 2021 Results - Earnings Call Transcript

    North American Construction Group Ltd. (NOA) CEO Joe Lamberton on Q2 2021 Results – Earnings Call Transcript

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  • North American Construction Group Ltd. Announces Increase in Committed Scope and Volume

    North American Construction Group Ltd. Announces Increase in Committed Scope and Volume

    ACHESON, Alberta, July 21, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — North American Construction Group Ltd. (“NACG” or “the Company”) (TSX:NOA.TO/NYSE:NOA) today…

  • Hedge Funds Have Never Been This Bullish On Neuronetics, Inc. (STIM)

    Hedge Funds Have Never Been This Bullish On Neuronetics, Inc. (STIM)

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  • North American Construction Group Ltd. Second Quarter Results Conference Call and Webcast Notification

    North American Construction Group Ltd. Second Quarter Results Conference Call and Webcast Notification

    ACHESON, Alberta, July 15, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — North American Construction Group Ltd. (“NACG” or “the Company”) (TSX:NOA.TO/NYSE:NOA) announced today…

  • North American Construction Group Ltd. First Quarter Results Conference Call And Webcast Notification

    North American Construction Group Ltd. First Quarter Results Conference Call And Webcast Notification

    ACHESON, Alberta, April 15, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — North American Construction Group Ltd. (“NACG” or “the Company”) (TSX:NOA.TO/NYSE:NOA) announced today that

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